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What Are Defenses to Shoplifting in Florida?
Retail theft, commonly known as shoplifting, is a very common criminal offense in Florida. For those convicted though, it also has serious consequences. Even when a person is charged with a misdemeanor, they face up to 60 days in jail. More serious offenses that are classified as a felony are punishable by up to… Read More »

Can You Go to Jail for Violating Curfew?
If you have been charged for violating a curfew and have questions, our Tampa criminal defense attorneys can help. Protests have been erupting in Tampa Bay, and throughout the rest of Florida. To control the unrest and the looting that sometimes accompany these protests, some mayors around the state have been imposing curfews. These… Read More »

What are the Elements of Robbery in Florida?
In Florida, robbery is a type of theft crime, but there are elements of it that differentiate it from other types of theft. In Florida, robbery is defined as using force to take property from another person. Robbery does not always include the use of force. Even the threat of force is enough to… Read More »

A Crime/Fraud to Create Fake GoFundMe Account?
The Internet has allowed people from all over the world to reach out to each other and has created opportunities that once seemed impossible. One of these that has become incredibly popular today are crowdfunding websites, such as GoFundMe. Crowdfunding sites allow people to create a campaign and collect donations from anyone that wants… Read More »

Is Self-Defense Legal in Florida?
Not everyone accused of committing a violent act in Florida is guilty. Self-defense is an affirmative defense, meaning that the accused acknowledges that they engaged in violent and unlawful behavior, but that they also had good reason to do so. Under Florida law, a person may use non-deadly force or deadly force in self-defense,… Read More »

Can You Refuse a Breathalyzer in Florida?
Many people are not aware of their rights and obligations when they are stopped for a DUI. One of the biggest questions surrounding these stops is whether or not a person must take a breath test when asked by law enforcement. While it is true that no one can force a motorist to blow… Read More »

What is Criminal Return Fraud?
When most people think of retail theft, they first think of shoplifting. However, there is another offense that has become more common recently. That is return fraud. This type of fraud has been around ever since there were retail stores. Now that the Internet has entirely changed the way people shop though, it’s becoming… Read More »

What are defenses for DUI Charges in Florida?
Facing DUI charges is very scary. You’re likely imagining the worst case scenario, where you are convicted and perhaps even sentenced to time in jail. However, a DUI charge is very different than a DUI conviction, and not everyone charged is found guilty of a crime. There are several defenses available in DUI cases… Read More »

What Are Criminal Mischief Laws in Florida?
Criminal mischief in Florida, also sometimes referred to as vandalism, occurs when a person intentionally and maliciously destroys the property of another person. Criminal mischief is charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the value of property damage done. Many people think criminal mischief is a relatively minor crime. However, the… Read More »

What to Expect at a DUI Stop?
Driving is a necessity that most people could not give up without a huge disruption to their lives. Many laws apply to the operation of a motor vehicle, including the mandate that the person not drive while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Being arrested and charged with driving under the influence (DUI)… Read More »