Tampa Child Abuse Attorney
Criminal Defense Lawyers in Tampa Bay
Child abuse can lead to lifelong trauma as the minor matures into adulthood. Aggravated child abuse often adds physical injuries to the emotional ones. Because of this, Florida’s penalties for a child abuser are harsh. If you have been accused of aggravated child abuse, you will want a skilled attorney who understands the intricacies of Florida law surrounding child abuse. The Tampa child abuse lawyers at All Criminal Defense Law Group, P.A. have the experience since 1997 to represent you skillfully through the most challenging circumstances involving the legal criminal system. Schedule a free consultation and speak with us before you speak with law enforcement.
What is Aggravated Child Abuse?
Child abuse occurs when a person intends to harm a child physically or emotionally. According to Florida Statute 827.03, a person can commit aggravated child abuse if they:
- Commit aggravated battery on a child. This means a person either uses a deadly weapon against a child or causes severe bodily injury, permanent disfigurement, or permanent disability; or
- Willfully torture, maliciously punish, or cage a child.
Aggravated child abuse is a class 1 felony, punishable by up to 30 years in prison and a fine of $10,000. As such, it is crucial that you work with an experienced criminal defense attorney who has the knowledge and ability to prove to the court what really happened or to drastically reduce your sentence through experienced negotiation.
Evidence of Aggravated Child Abuse
Unfortunately, the evidence used by prosecutors in child abuse cases does not always provide the full picture of what happened, and often paints the defendant in an unrealistically dark light. Take, for instance, the case of a Florida man who was convicted of aggravated child abuse for breaking several of his infant son’s bones. The Tampa Bay Times reported that his case will be heard by the 2nd District Court of Appeals after a recent peer-reviewed medical article was published that could help show that he was not at fault. According to the researchers, some child abuse cases involve analyzing a young child’s broken bones and are flawed because metabolic bone disease, also known as bone fragility disorder, mimics physical violence caused by an adult. Similarly, shaken baby syndrome has often gone misdiagnosed and caused false convictions. With young infants, nobody can ask them what happened, so medical documents and other parent’s testimonies become the primary evidence. Often, other parties have their own motives, which may involve making false accusations against the defendant in order to receive full child custody rights over their other children.
Our Tampa Abuse Lawyers are Here to Help
It is in our nature to want to protect the children in our community. Unfortunately, when a child is hurt, it is easy for people in the child’s community to misplace the blame and wrongfully accuse a person of child abuse. If you are facing allegations child abuse or aggravated child abuse, it is imperative you a skilled Tampa criminal defense lawyer on your side who will research your case and expertly represent the facts to the court. Before talking with law enforcement, contact us now to schedule a free consultation to speak with a knowledgeable and experienced Tampa abuse attorney today by calling us at 813-672-1900 or email us. We can discuss your case with you and determine the best procedure to follow in your particular situation.
Or if there is an emergency and you need to call after hours, during weekends and during holidays, please call us at 813-551-3903 for assistance.